AFSF Golf Tournament
Presidio Golf Course
300 Finley Road @ Arguello Gate San Francisco
This annual event supports AFSF’s educational programs engaging San Francisco youth through a mentored appreciation of architecture, engineering, construction and the design process. AFSF programs uniquely combine professionals from the academic world and the professional sector. Youth benefit from the passion and pride that professionals who shape the physical environment have for San Francisco. AFSF is building a community of long-term collaborations between design, business, civic, and education professionals and organizations around empowering youth to be engaged citizens understanding how the physical environment is created, and artists creating the future of our built environment.
AFSF seeks players and sponsors for the 18 Anniversary Golf Tournament! Please use our 2019 Golf Flyer to register your foursome(s) and also the Sponsorship Opportunities Form for the options that are available to your company, including Tournament Title Sponsor, food (meals, carts, and drinks), on-course games, Tee Signs, Goody Bag items, and donating Auction items. All donations are tax deductible. Pledges of support by July 31st will be included on the tournament invitation. Contact: Alan Sandler 415-362-1493, alan@afsf.org