AFSF Design Ideas Collective
The Architectural Foundation of San Francisco announces the
an online design challenge for high school students
Spurred by future-altering events we collectively experienced, AFSF launched its first-ever Design Ideas Collective in 2020, challenging students to consider how design thinking could address current issues at hand and create a path forward for a better future. In this 3rd year of the event, high school students worldwide are encouraged to participate.
Fri. Dec. 9, 2022 – Submission entries due
Sun. Dec. 11, 2022 – Virtual Awards Ceremony (participants will receive ceremony details)
To start, participants will select a location in the town/city of their choosing, which could benefit from a wider array of designed uses to create a vibrant, socially-active public space. The challenge is to survey the existing conditions of the area, identify opportunities for creating thriving and desirable shared spaces and propose design strategies that can be implemented in support of creating a highly-utilized and diverse public realm that the community can flourish from. There are no limits to participants creativity.
We’re excited to see what ideas YOU generate!
For further information, please see the 2022 Design Ideas Collective design brief.
Questions? Contact Ryan Lee, ryan@afsf.org, Design Ideas Collective Chair & Author.
Thank you for your continued interest and support of this program.
Award winning designs from AFSF's 2nd Design Ideas Collective (2021):
Thank you to everyone who made the 2020 inaugural AFSF Design Ideas Collective a resounding success!! Find more details in the 2021 design brief.
53 participants from 8 schools submitted 29 designs. Here are the top 7 award winning contributions:
best of class
First Place:
Lucas Kim (La Cañada H.S., La Cañada Flintridge, CA) Evergreen City
Second Place:
Charles Sheldon, Griffin Rick, Josh Hansen (Laguna Blanca School, Santa Barbara, CA)
Sustainable, Eco-friendly City Block Design
Third Place:
Clarissa Jocelyn (Ruth Asawa School of the Arts, San Francisco, CA)
Dragonfly Housing
Honorable Mentions
Nolan Page & Skylar Robinson (Benecia H.S., Benecia, CA)
Crafting a Californian Community Sustainable Living: A solution to the California Housing Crisis
Styles Jones (Stephens County H.S., Toccoa, GA)
Isaac Nystrom Rice (Ruth Asawa School of the Arts, San Francisco, CA)
Ian Chu (Mills H.S., Millbrae, CA)
To the Future
Innovative designs from AFSF's first Design Ideas Collective (2020):

Thank you to everyone who made the 2020 inaugural AFSF Design Ideas Collective a resounding success!! Find more details in the 2020 design brief.
Special recognition to the following students for their award-winning contributions:
best of class
Clarissa Jocelyn
#3 Wave-stallation
Ruth Asawa School of the Arts, 11th Grade

Exceptional submissions
Isaac Nystrom Rice
#6 Hexapod Quartet
Ruth Asawa School of the Arts, 10th Grade
#7 Puzzle Pod
Ruth Asawa School of the Arts, 9th Grade
Eva Nusbaum-Faust
#9 Lily Pads
Ruth Asawa School of the Arts, 10th Grade
Distinction for Comprehensive Presentation
#1 The Distanced Way
Lowell High School, 11th Grade
Distinction for Research & Space Planning
#2 Streets – Dining & Socializing
Lowell High School, 11th Grade
Distinction for ACTIVISM
#4 Activism
Lowell High School, 11th Grade
Distinction for Environmental Context
Emilia Burkhart
#8 Waterscape Platforms
Ruth Asawa School of the Arts, 9th Grade
Distinction for Adaptability
Sophie Tan
#10 Diamond
Lowell High School, 12th Grade
Distinction for PROGRAMMING
Caroline Chen
#11 Inception
Henry M. Gunn High School, 11th Grade
Stay tuned for details on the 2022 Design Ideas Collective next fall, to be announced by this From 2021 Design Ideas Collective web page:
53 participants from 8 schools submitted 29 designs. Here are the top 7 award winners:
Best of Class – First Place:
Lucas Kim (La Cañada H.S.)
Evergreen City
Best of Class – Second Place:
Charles Sheldon, Griffin Rick, Josh Hansen (Laguna Blanca School)
Sustainable, Eco-friendly City Block Design
Best of Class – Third Place:
Clarissa Jocelyn (Ruth Asawa School of the Arts)
Dragonfly Housing
Honorable Mentions:
Nolan Page & Skylar Robinson (Benecia H.S.)
Crafting a Californian Community Sustainable Living: A solution to the California Housing Crisis
Styles Jones (Stephens County H.S.)
Isaac Nystrom Rice (Ruth Asawa School of the Arts)
Ian Chu (Mills H.S.)
To the Future
Student Work Examples